Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the many sugaring FAQs, or frequently asked questions, that we often hear.

What is sugaring?

Sugaring is an Ancient Egyptian method of hair removal that is gaining popularity in the United States as a luxury alternative to waxing. Sometimes called sugar waxing, sugaring is a gentle, effective and all-natural solution to unwanted hair. Sugar paste is made from just 3 ingredients (sugar, lemon juice and water) and contains no additives or resins. There are no sticks or strips. It is applied and removed via a professional hand technique that takes time and dedication to master.

How do you use sugar to remove hair?

Our sugar paste is a sticky, taffy-like consistency made from just sugar, water and lemon juice. We choose from three different types of sugar paste of varying consistency depending on the body part being treated, and your individual hair type.
We use clean gloves each time to take a portion of sugar paste from the warming pot, which is body temperature and not hot. We never double dip, and there are no sticks or strips.
The sugar is applied by hand, against the grain of hair, and the warm paste seeps into the hair follicles to wrap around the hair shaft.
Then, we remove the sugar via a flicking motion in the same direction as hair growth to reduce ingrown hairs. This technique takes time and plenty of practice to master. After the treatment, the sugar is discarded in the trash

Why should I choose Prosperity’s Results for my hair removal needs?

Because all natural products is the most healthiest way to go and best for my skins and i provide professional services in a clean and comfortable aroma therapy environment.

Does sugaring hurt?

All hair removal is somewhat uncomfortable, but Sugaring Hair Removal is way better than waxing! Most clients agree that they experience less than half the discomfort with sugaring. If you’ve never had hair removal before or its been a few months, you can expect a little more discomfort since we are pulling hair out by the root. But stick with it, your second treatment it will be a breeze! Plus, with regular sugaring appointments, your hair grows back thinner and lighter. It also results in permanent hair reduction for many people. Less hair means less discomfort.

How is sugaring different than waxing?

WAX removes hair in the opposite direction of growth which can be very painful, leads to follicle scarring, and can cause those nasty painful ingrown hair bumps everyone dreads. Wax contains resins
and additives, which can cause irritation. And because wax is applied hot it can cause painful burns or tearing of sensitive areas.
When we SUGAR we use a paste made from just sugar, water and lemon juice. Since there are no resins, it won’t stick to skin, just hair! It is removed in the direction of hair growth, and applied at body temperature. There is no chance of burns or tearing with sugaring.

In summary, there is a few main differences:
1. The sugar isn’t hot so there’s no risk of burning (and your skin won’t be bright red like after you get waxed!).
2. Sugar paste doesn’t stick to live skin cells – just the hair and dead skin cells – which means less irritation. There’s no chance of losing a layer of skin like with waxing!
3. The sugaring technique removes hair in the natural direction it grows. Waxing removes hair against the growth which is more traumatizing for skin.
All Natural Ingredients
Water Soluble
Does Not Adhere to Live Skin Cells
Sugar is Bacteria Resistant
Minimal Discomfort and Irritation
Superior, Healthy, Hairless Results
Safely Removes Hair from Follicle
Helps Eliminate InGrown Hairs
Safe for Sensitive Skin Conditions
Skin Feels Soft. Clean and Comfortable
Contains Chemical Resins
Difficult to Cleanup
Adheres to Live Skin Cells
Bacteria Breeds in Wax Warmers
Very Painful and Traumatizing to Skin
Long-Term Damage to Skin Cells
Results in Follicle Distortion/Hair Breakage
Can Lead to In-Grown Hairs
Not 100% Safe for Any Skin Type
Skin Feels Raw and Irritated

Does sugaring help reduce hair growth long term?

YES! When you #GetSugared regularly, you catch a specific growth cycle each time, which means you’ll grow a lot less hair in those areas in the long-run.
If you decide to pause or lengthen the time between visits, you won’t get the results you want. Once you get past 5 weeks from your last hair removal appointment, you’re in-between growth cycles.
The idea is to remove the hair and scar the follicle, so the hair comes back finer and thinner. If there is always a hair in the follicle, this can’t happen

What can I expect from my sugaring appointment?

Most clients experience a slight stinging sensation or a little warmth in the area for a few minutes after the service is completed. You can also expect to see a few very tiny red dots (those are the pores the hair was removed from). They will fade within a couple of hours.
What you won’t experience is irritation, burning or any skin tearing, which is common with waxing. Sugaring is so gentle many people feel nothing once the treatment is over.
If you have had reactions to other types of hair removal in the past, please share this information with your service professional and they will advise you on the appropriate aftercare.

Can I get sugared if I'm pregnant?

Absolutely! The sugar paste has no additives or preservatives, which means no toxins, irritants or allergens. Body sugaring is a safe, effective and gentle professional treatment. Besides, you can’t see what’s going on down there under that belly. Let us help! Our pregnant clients say sugaring is the only hair removal method they’ll ever use even after baby is born! Note: some expectant mothers experience increased sensitivity so hair removal can be more uncomfortable than before.

Can I get sugared if I have sensitive skin?

Absolutely! The sugar paste has no additives or preservatives, which means no irritants and no allergic reactions. Body sugaring is a safe, effective and gentle professional treatment. Clients with sensitive skin swear it’s the only hair removal method they’ll ever use again. If waxing, shaving, and depilatory creams do not work for you, try sugaring.

Should I shave before I get sugared?

Do NOT shave before your appointment! The sugar has to have something to grab onto; a week to 10 days of growth is ideal.
Note: you will be charged for the session even if there’s not enough hair to remove since someone else was unable to book that time slot.
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